Fierce & Feminine
6 Week Program

When Was the Last Time You Really Trusted In Yourself?

When you begin to truly trust in your own inner guidance, the life you’ve dreamed of becomes possible.


During these 6 weeks, learn how to shift from relying on outside sources of comfort and security to take power over your own life.

This program is for you if you:

  • Feel as though something is missing in your life.
  • Feel disconnected and lost in who you really are.
  • Lack a sense of direction / a purpose.
  • Often indecisive and lack self-trust and self-belief to really go after what you want.
  • Rely on external validation and direction instead of relying on yourself.
  • Rely on external things to “fill the void” like food, men, shopping, etc.
  • Find yourself self-sabotaging your own success.
  • Crave a life that’s meaningful and exciting to you; one that’s authentic to who you are but feel stuck.
“Anita gently encouraged me to dive into my passions and trust my instincts. Together we worked through my barriers until I reached a level of mental clarity that allowed me to bravely grasp what I truly wanted.”

How’s the program set up?

Before the first class, I will send you what you need to know and how to prepare yourself. I invite you to find a quiet, comfortable space as we connect online each week. Each class is 60 minutes. The first part of the hour is the content of the week. We then have group discussion and exercises that then flow into insights and personal experiences. Sharing whatever’s coming up for you in the moment is key to your transformation, so be open and have fun!

Fierce and Feminine 6 Week Program Breakdown:

WEEK 1: Who Are You Really?

  • We explore the story you are telling yourself, whether your story is helping or hindering you, and how you can begin to change it.
  • You learn your specific personality make-up and how we can build up our strong suits as well as develop our weaker sides.
  • You’ll define your strengths and what makes you tick.
  • Through discovering your core values and passions, you’ll understand more of who you are and what makes you tick.
WEEK 2: Your Life’s Purpose
  • Discuss why it’s important to have purpose in your life, what it is, and what it really means to you.
  • Explore different methodologies to figuring out your purpose and cultivate steps towards it.
  • Explore Fear and Uncertainty, how it can meddle in our success, and how you can overcome it.
  • You’ll gain clarity, direction, and excitement in where you are and begin taking steps towards it.
WEEK 3: How to Love Yourself
  • You’ll understand what areas of self-love you are lacking and how you can develop them.
  • You learn how to develop your inner-reliance system.
  • Discuss the roles of our inner critic, and you will learn how to shift from psyche to soul and
    begin detecting messages from your intuition.
  • Explore the act of leaving ourselves in times of discomfort, stress and overwhelm by turning to food, men or other outside sources for soothing and you will learn how you can reconnect back to your body and soul.
WEEK 4: Loving Yourself in the Presence of Others
  • Introduce this week with the topic of self-awareness and its importance in life-long personal and relationship growth.
  • Discover you Emotional Triggers, what happens physiologically in the moments of being triggered, and what you can do to interrupt the pattern.
  • Discuss the habit of people-pleasing, why we do it, and how we can learn to say ‘No’.
  • Learn about Boundaries and develop specific boundaries to your specific needs.
  • Create a list of non-negotiables for your relationships as well as your personal needs to feel whole.

WEEK 5: Tapping Into Your Fierce and Feminine Nature

  • Explore Masculine and Feminine energies and your predominant energy.
  • Dive deep into Intuition and build your own inner-reliance system (from week 3).
  • Discuss somatic cues and get you out of your head and into your body—this is especially important in decision-making.
  • Explore how to find your Flow a.k.a. your Feminine energy.
  • Learn what it means to be truly Fierce and Feminine in our own lives and ways to continue you growth beyond the Fierce and Feminine Program.

WEEK 6: Taking Your Fierce and Feminine Out Into the World

  • YAY—Completion! We’ll start with a little celebration (you deserve it!) with the Fierce and Feminine Completion RitualTM, a memorable exercise to show you how far you’ve come!
  • Review the previous week’s material, exercises and share insights in our group discussion.
  • Discuss the shifts we’re now noticing within us.
  • Bring theory to practise—shifting from inner growth to outer action!
  • What’s next for you and where will you go from here?
“Anita was able to help me uncover my truest desires for my life and set into place easily, actionable steps to reaching my goals.”
“Almost a year since our last session, I have moved across the country, changed homes, swapped careers, and made myself a priority.”

My personal vision with this program:

My goal for the Fierce and Feminine Program is to bring heart and hope to those women who feel lost and disconnected with themselves and perhaps with something greater than themselves (universe, a purpose/ a calling). They are struggling to figure out who they are and feel as though something’s missing in their life. They become weak in the presence of: men, food, and overall life stresses. They struggle with self-worth, self-love and self-acceptance. They live life unintentionally and not on purpose. To those who this message resonates, it’s time to begin loving yourself, and believing in that inner strength and power you already have. It’s time to show up fiercely in your own live, go after what you want without hesitation and allow ourselves to be feminine in a world that pushes you to disconnect from this sacred side of you.

Awaken to the Fierce and Feminine Woman within!

xo Anita