
Stop People Pleasing and Find Happiness Within

Stop People Pleasing and Find Happiness Within

Have you been noticing lately that you’re someone who enjoys making other people happy? There’s something so satisfying in doing something good and getting acknowledgement for it. But sometimes we can go overboard and begin a habit of going out of our way to make others happy.

This habit of people-pleasing and saying ‘yes’ when you really want to say ‘no’ disconnects you from yourself and living authentically. So why are some of us so hard-wired to people-please?

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Attunement: Your Unmet Need for Connection

Attunement: Your Unmet Need for Connection

For most of my life I’ve been craving for someone to just “get” me. I found I would spend so long justifying my feelings, reactions and behavior when all I really wanted was someone to be on my side; someone to be on the same wavelength.

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Why We Need to Practice Centering Ourselves

Why We Need to Practice Centering Ourselves

Are you always the go-to person whenever someone has a problem? But then, it starts to feel a bit heavy, like you’re carrying everyone else’s worries on your shoulders? If you find yourself constantly putting others…

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Healthy Communication and Low Self-Esteem

Healthy Communication and Low Self-Esteem

A big part of your relationships is how you relate to one another. Looking at the longer relationships in your life currently, how do you feel about those people today? Is there any lingering resentment?

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Low Self-Esteem is Sabotaging Your Chances at Love

Low Self-Esteem is Sabotaging Your Chances at Love

Have you been struggling to maintain a healthy, stable relationship? Do you keep meeting these potential partners in hopes that they could be the one, only to have the same sort of scenario play out where you become needy, clingy, and perhaps even a little emotionally unstable causing the relationship to plummet?

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How to Be Single

How to Be Single

For most of our early life, we’re so focused on finding the one, that we forget to enjoy our singlehood and discover our Self and who I want to be in the world

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How You Might Be Sabotaging Your New Year’s Resolutions

How You Might Be Sabotaging Your New Year’s Resolutions

They seem reasonable, and when face to face with the thing that which you must do but are dreading doing, your reasons, considerations and excuses seem absolutely justifiable. Not only are they justifiable, they seem pertinent and priority before you can get to work...

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From Bingeing to Being

From Bingeing to Being

For years it felt as though something was missing in my life. I couldn’t quite pinpoint it as a child, but I knew something didn’t feel right. Growing up with a hard-working, single Dutch mother, I relied on her for everything: food, shelter, clothes on my back; and even deeper: love, safety, nurturing and comfort.

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30 Life Lessons at 30

30 Life Lessons at 30

Life is full of ups and downs, and in those ups and downs there are many lessons to be had. Some are silly, some are deep, but all of which I live by today. Here are the top lessons I’ve learned from my life.

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